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Why Plant Managers Are Relying on Ecorobotics for Their Industrial Tank Cleaning

 In Tank Cleaning

Ecorobotics’ ever-evolving technological landscape is helping drive the needle forward for businesses across sectors. For the oil and gas and chemical processing industries, integrating robotics into the workplace is proving to deliver a myriad of benefits.

From increasing worker safety to enhancing operational efficiency, Ecorobotics’ robotic tank cleaning technology is a valuable resource for industrial plants. Here’s a look at why plant managers are leveraging robotic tank cleaning and the advantages the technology provides.

Increased Workplace Safety

Tank cleaning in the industrial space poses a number of health and safety issues for workers. Cleaning these tanks with traditional methods requires employees to enter confined spaces and exposes them to hazardous chemicals. Even with protective gear, accidental exposure to toxic substances like wastewater and sludge can occur, leaving workers vulnerable to respiratory problems, injury, and life-threatening conditions like lung cancer.

These environments also contain toxic gasses that could jeopardize worker safety. For instance, if a crew member’s safety gear fails during a tank cleaning, they will face dangerous chemical agents. They must exit quickly, but the slippery floors and small openings make that impossible. Accidental and long-term exposure to biohazards can wreak havoc on employee health, causing everything from nerve damage to death.

It’s imperative for plant managers to not only abide by, but also reinforce safety guidelines. Failing to do so could endanger employee well-being, incur hefty fines, and even cause a plant shutdown. Following OSHA regulations is imperative for preventing accidents and safeguarding crews from harm. This is both time-consuming and expensive, as proper measures must be taken to ensure tanks are deemed safe before workers can even enter and begin cleaning.

As a plant manager, robotic tank cleaning provides an effective solution for removing employees from hazardous conditions while remaining in perfect compliance with safety guidelines.

Environmentally Friendly

Staying compliant with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards is vital for companies operating in the oil and gas and chemical processing industries. From waste management to employee working conditions, ESG criteria are used by socially conscious investors to evaluate a company’s operations and determine whether they’d qualify as a potential investment opportunity.

With environmental impact such a crucial factor in today’s competitive landscape, ESG standards simply cannot be ignored. For instance, ​​some plants waste up to 1.5 million gallons of water per year. This type of unsustainable practice can be detrimental to the environment and negatively impact company financials.

With climate change such a prevalent and pressing issue, it’s become more imperative than ever for the industrial sector to adopt more eco-conscious procedures. Ecorobotics’ cutting-edge tank cleaning technology can help decrease your plant’s environmental impact by minimizing waste generation during the tank cleaning process. This will also reduce transportation pollution due to decreased disposal needs. As a company that values sustainable practices, we utilize eco-friendly oils within our robotic systems to further preserve the well-being of our planet.

Turnaround Time

One of the leading causes of downtime in plants is human error. Workers performing monotonous and repetitive tasks will often experience mental and physical fatigue — leading to unwanted errors and potential injuries.

Along with workflow disruptions and safety concerns, employees are constrained by the amount of time they can work each day and require periodic breaks. The use of robotics is an effective way to eliminate costs associated with human error; they can also operate continuously without downtime or process interruption. Ecorobotics’ robotic cleaning system helps ensure production doesn’t slow, getting tanks ready up to 2x faster than human cleaning crews.

Ecorobotics worked with one company to facilitate the cleaning of a wastewater clarifier tank in a manner that was safe, efficient, and cost-effective. The robotic tank cleaning process effectively eliminated confined space entry to drive safer working conditions. Using remote monitoring, Ecorobotics was able to reduce project completion time by 109 days, deliver 70% cost savings, and remove over 14,000 more barrels of waste compared to conventional cleaning methods.

Reduced Costs

Utilizing traditional tank cleaning can lead to increased downtime and project costs. From unwanted accidents and injuries to safety and compliance issues, traditional cleaning raises the likelihood of your plant being subjected to hefty fines. What’s more, downtime and human error can reduce productivity and production output, negatively impacting your organization’s bottom line.

Ecorobotics’ clients see between 20% and 25% cost reduction by leveraging robotic tank cleaning. Additionally, asset availability is improved, allowing companies to meet market demands more efficiently.

Start Working With Ecorobotics

From industrial tank cleaning to sludge removal, Ecorobotics delivers a cost-effective, eco-friendly approach to traditional cleaning methods. Our technology redefines industry standards by mitigating risks, decreasing turnaround times, and reducing costs.

Discover a smarter, more efficient solution to industrial cleaning and bulk removal by contacting Ecorobotics to learn more.

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